
«Weekly electronic symptom-tracking surveys improved physical function, symptom control and health-related quality of life among cancer patients, according to a study published in JAMA.» 

«In a randomized trial that included 52 practices and 1,191 patients receiving treatment for metastatic cancer, researchers found statistically significant improvements in secondary outcomes like function and quality of life after a three month follow-up compared with usual care. Results on the primary outcome, overall survival, weren’t yet available.»

«In the survey group, patients were asked to complete a weekly survey online or through an automated phone system for one year. They were asked about symptoms like pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dyspnea, insomnia and depression.»

«The survey also included questions about eating and drinking, falls, financial challenges and their ability to care for themselves and do daily tasks. If a patient reported severe or worsening symptoms, an alert was triggered for the care team.»

«»In this report of secondary outcomes from a randomized clinical trial of adults receiving cancer treatment, use of weekly electronic PRO surveys to monitor symptoms, compared with usual care, resulted in statistically significant improvements in physical function, symptom control and HRQOL at 3 months, with mean improvements of approximately 2.5 points on a 0- to 100-point scale. These findings should be interpreted provisionally pending results of the primary outcome of overall survival,» the study’s authors wrote.» 

Article written by Emily Olsen

Photo: Getty Images



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